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What is Voice Search Optimization?

Voice search optimization is a strategy for creating content that will be returned by voice search devices when they respond to commands. The content you create for voice search devices is different from the content you create for visual search optimization because you want it to answer questions the way people ask them verbally.

Since voice search looks for ecuador mobile database answers in natural language, that’s how you want your content to look. It focuses less on keyword usage and text-based queries, and instead focuses on how people speak.

A great example of this is how people search for

Restaurants on search engines and how they turn to their voice assistants for help.

In a text search you can enter:

Mexican restaurants near me.

But when you talk to your voice assistant, you can say: What are the best Mexican restaurants united kingdom cell number  in my area where I can order a chimichanga?

This search is more specific and offers more detail. It doesn’t use the term “near me”  brian cosgray oprichter en ceo because it’s not necessary. This way, you’re asking someone for advice and recommendations, rather than searching for a list of all the restaurants in the area.

And so, you’re more likely

To get one voice search result rather than a list of the top 10 Mexican restaurants in your area.

This smaller number of results is another reason why voice search is so important. You have to be the first result, otherwise you won’t show up in the results.

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